Wednesday, September 10, 2008

~PiKa BiG DaY~

Yesterday was pika big day^^
That means Pikachu evolution already and become Raichu d^^

Before yesterday we already celebrate with him in Sungai Wang Green Box.And we ask him to sang a very sad mandrin happy birthday song"祝我生日快乐"(温岚)haha...Then he sang to himself.
But that was a simple celebration...
On 9 0f September2008, we decide to celebrate with him a again.
So we buy 3 pizza and a fruit cake.Haha^^Got Joseph, Linn, Kelly, Christine, James, Fok Tou, 咏欣and me celebrate with him.
We send him a card with a lot of his friend wishes (in the beginning, we also plan to give kok kok writes, but we can't find him so end of the story lo) and also a phone chain.^^

Plan to give him a surprise, but he look not surprise at all...Haizzz :(
Whatever la, hope he like it la ^^
Those pictures and videos will post a.s.a.p. because is with James and Christine^^


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